首页> 外文OA文献 >Morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny of a novel soil ciliate, Pseudouroleptus plestiensis n. sp. (Ciliophora, Oxytrichidae), from the uplands of Colfiorito, Italy

Morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny of a novel soil ciliate, Pseudouroleptus plestiensis n. sp. (Ciliophora, Oxytrichidae), from the uplands of Colfiorito, Italy

机译:新型土壤纤毛虫Pseudouroleptus plestiensis n的形态,形态发生和分子系统发育。 sp。 (Ciliophora,Oxytrichidae),来自意大利Colfiorito的高地



The terrestrial oxytrichid ciliate Pseudouroleptus plestiensis n. sp., isolated from soil samples collected from the uplands of Colfiorito (Umbria region, Italy), was investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. The morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny inferred from small-subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences were studied. The novel species is mainly characterized by the following: a cell size of about 145×35 µm in vivo; two ellipsoidal macronuclear nodules and two to four micronuclei; adoral zone about 26% of body length with a mean of 30 membranelles; about 40 cirri in the right marginal row and 38 in the left marginal row; left fronto-ventral row consisting of about 27-40 cirri, right fronto-ventral row of about three to seven cirri forming a short row to the right of the rear portion of the left fronto-ventral row; one parabuccal cirrus ( = III/2), one buccal and one post-peristomial cirrus; and four dorsal kineties with caudal cirri at the end of kineties 1 and 2. The morphogenesis of the novel species is similar to that of Pseudouroleptus caudatus. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA gene sequences consistently placed the novel species within the family Oxytrichidae Ehrenberg, 1838, clustering with P. caudatus and the genus Strongylidium. The results from the present study contribute to the expanding knowledge of the diversity of ciliates in Italian soil.
机译:陆地纤毛虫纤毛Pseudouroleptus plestiensis n。使用现场观察和异丙酚浸渍对从科菲奥里托(意大利翁布里亚地区)高地收集的土壤样品中分离得到的野豌豆属进行了研究。研究了从小亚基(rSrRNA)rRNA基因序列推断的形态,形态发生和分子系统发育。该新物种的主要特征是:体内细胞大小约为145×35 µm。两个椭圆形大核结节和两个至四个微核;动脉区约占体长的26%,平均30个膜片;右边缘排大约40个cirri,左边缘排大约38个;左前腹排由大约27-40个毛圈组成,右前腹排约3至7个毛圈,在左前腹排后部的右侧形成一短排;一颊颊卷云(= III / 2),一颊颊和一围后卷云;在第1和第2末期有4个背侧尾鳍的背背运动。该新物种的形态与假单胞菌相似。基于SSU rRNA基因序列的系统发生分析一致地将该新物种放置在1838年的Oxytrichidae Ehrenberg家族中,与P. caudatus和Strongylidium属聚在一起。本研究的结果有助于扩大对意大利土壤纤毛虫多样性的认识。



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